Magasin d'en face
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collections, collectors
8 February 2005 at 18:30
In September 2001 Passions partagées, an exhibition held in Grenoble’s former museum of painting, presented a selection of works from private collections of modern and contemporary art in the department of Isère. This initiative was all the more remarkable in that it was organised by art*38, a group involving several collectors. In a town famous for its museum and art centre, the emergence of an organised group of collectors is certainly symptomatic of a wider sharing, knowledge and enjoyment of art. This question could be explored and discussed with some of the collectors from art*38.

"Coaches, Curators and carpet cleaners"
Alexis Vaillant, Eva Svennung
1 March 2005 at 18:30

Eva Svennung and Alexis Vaillant (who worked at the Mamco, Geneva from 1995 to 1999) set up their Toasting Agency in Paris in 1999. This curating outfit sets out to organise a varied range of events, but without creating yet another art space – rather, by questioning the nature of the already existing spaces. It puts on exhibitions and events using the resources and dynamics it finds in each venue. Since 1999 Toasting Agency has also published Pacemaker, a quarterly freesheet with a print run of 7,000.

Art Orienté objet
5 April 2005 at 18:30
Marion Laval-Jeantet and Benoît Mangin founded Art Orienté objet in 1991. “They are fascinated by the life sciences, and also by the study of behaviour, especially everything from ethology to ethno-psychiatry. Over the last ten years their experiments have borne fruit in large numbers of surprising and poetic projections, exploring our reactions to life and to the world around us. Their works take a variety of aesthetic forms. In them we can find traces of the presence of a pet and a mise-en-scène of their own existence.”
(Art Orienté objet, Paris, Editions CQFD, inside front cover note, 2002).

François Piron, Pierre Leguillon
10 May 2005 at 18:30
Both conduct singular experiments on the margins of those elastic functions that are art criticism and exhibition organising. Pierre Leguillon defines himself as an “occasional art critic”, while François Piron works alongside the critic Yvane Chapuis and the choreographer Loïc Touzé as a co-director of the “Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers” arts centre outside Paris.

Collectif 1.0.3
5 July 2005 at 17:30
The collective presents the MISMA project (Module d'Intervention de Sauvegarde de Méthodologies Artistiques).
Anne Couzon Cesca, born in 1978; François Bernus, born in 1974; Arnaud Bernus, born in 1974. Live and work in Noisy-le-Sec.
Using a name that directly refers to the protocol for naming software versions, the 1.0.3 group comprises three young artists whose professed aim is to explore the subjective aspect of reproducibility by elaborating objects that centre on the use of computers, making constant use of monitors. “For us, the computer is the place where three different notions come together: conservation, conversion and conversation.” Their MISMA (Module d'Intervention de Sauvegarde de Méthodologies Artistiques: Intervention Module for Backing Up Artistic Methodologies) is conceived as a perceptual tool exploring the role played by digital technology in event-based or individual artistic production. This resource centre accumulates and organises computer back-ups (arborescence, file names) and maps. Arboflash and Planiscope are the two modes employed here.
