Press release

A proposal by Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster
6 April – 7 September 1997

On Sunday afternoons "Ginza" - Tokyo's famous avenue - is given over to the pedestrians and closed to automobiles. As a result, the atmosphere constantly changes, the asphalt is crossed in every direction, a music-like feeling slowly moves in, daily events take on a colorful aspect, and a subtle and transgressive choreography is set.
This is the "Moment Ginza".

It is an environment more than an exhibition, a potential space between reality and virtuality - quite pleasant to walk through, exciting to explore... - urban moments - a city where people meet - a relational architecture - an environment of light and atmosphere - almost minimal - far from being monumental...

The beauty of cables and telephone lines - playground - "virtual street" - skyline and screens - cables and buildings - images and facades - building sites experimental programs - urban agriculture - a bamboo skyline - a mixture of landscapes - floating words - a choreography for pedestrians - a wall of panoramic images/Ads for the city...

A single billboard for one publicity - vending machines with refreshments - a long string of lights - passengers/companions - a "sound" river - a vague atmosphere of a futuristic dancing - a small parking lot for chairs with wheels - a possible drive-in...

The construction of the city takes place inside the viewer, activity of the moment, drift, playtime, identification of a site...

We will look at the city producing itself and producing scenarios, plans, sequences, images and situations. An architecture of relationships, which are permanently being built through the viewers, space, screens, cables, images, sounds, light… a city of encounters, a transitional site, a small galaxy... a "Moment Ginza".

"The metropolis is an addictive machine, from which there is no escape, unless it offers that, too..." Rem Koolhaas.

Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster
was born in 1965, she lives in Paris.

Jean-Luc Vilmouth, "Animal Public", 1994-1997
An animal identify can be assumed by means of a set of masks, which suggested transformable identities. (see "The Palace" web site /

Pierre Huyghe, "Death Star Interior", 1996
This is a poster of "the dark planet" ("Star Wars" series) altered by the addition of an extra-bedroom - beginning of new scenarios...

Ange Leccia, Anne Frémy, Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster
, "Moment Ginza", 1997
6'30" video specially made for the exhibition and shown on a multiscreen presentation. This video functions like a trailer, identifying the atmosphere and the specific features of this urban moment.

Allen Ruppersberg, "The novel that writes itself", 1978-1996
The first reminiscence. The work consists of a series of posters and sentences silkscreened on pieces of coloured cardboard, which are normally used to announce concerts.

Vidya & Jean-Michel, "Shogun screen" (Joshua Three Fulies), 1997 and "Wool Memories" (link) (I just discovered macramé), 1994-1996 Like an unfolding set, this deluxe fresco incorporates an interior with a triple Mont Fuji, thus forming a virtual landscape. A wool cable, multicolor link created between 1994 and 1996, is crossing the Street.

Maurizio Cattelan, "Lavorare é un brutto mestiere", 1993
A single billboard for one advertisement. Remake of a work produced for Aperto, 1993 Venice Biennale.

Felix Gonzalez-Torres
, "Untitled" (Himmier, Helms, Hate, Hole), 1990 and "Untitled" (Last Light), 1993
The fair lights is one edition out of ten, inspired by the Parisian parties lighting. The stack, an endless pile of posters gradually distributed in the Street, represents an ideal public sculpture. This work, which was shown at Le MAGASIN in the exhibition "Morceaux choisis" in 1995, is one of the three reminiscences presented in "Moment Ginza".

Les bourratives : Jean-Marie Arnoux, Xavier Boussiron, Véronique Nagouas, Pierre Rouveix.
The original "Moment Ginza" soundtrack broadcast in the Street (also available on CD - Le MAGASIN Production).
"The opposite of film buffs' music. Your impulses must not be taken for realities". Les bourratives.

Angela Bulloch, "Belisha Beacon System", 1997
A series of illuminated globes, directly inspired by the round, yellow beacons marking London's zebra crossings for pedestrians.

Liam Gillick & Gabriel Kuri, "La fête au quotidien", 1996
The third reminiscence. A calendar of virtual festive goings-on presented at Le MAGASIN in 1996. Shown one year later, this project underscores the sensation of a street which is not just new, but rather the superposition of atmospheres, sensations and memories - repetitions in space which lend reality to the site.

Philippe Parreno, "Speech Bubbles", 1997
Hundreds of floating "Speech Bubbles", just like in a comic strip. Specially made in Chicago, where Andy Warhol had his silver cushions made, they are inflatable, and accompany the viewer.