Press release

Douglas Gordon, Pierre Huyghe
2 - 28 February  

Douglas Gordon (born 1966 in Glasgow, where he lives and works) and Pierre Huyghe (born 1962 in Paris, where he lives and works) share the same interest in cinema. Both artists have, for example, paid homage to Hitchcock, Gordon in 24-Hour Psycho, Huyghe in his “remake” of RearWindow, Fenêtre sur cour. In Star Trek, Gordon recycles one of the rare kissing scenes from that series, which he reprocesses and then repeats, making the wholesome hero, Captain Kirk, positively uncanny. Huyghe’s Blanche Neige, Lucie features the actress Lucie Dolène, who gave her voice to the French version Walt Disney’s Snow White over fifty years ago. Now a very old lady, she talks about casting, dubbing, directing actors and other movie matters.

Star Trek, Predictable Incident in Unfamiliar Surroundings, 1995, 23’
courtesy FRAC Lorraine

Blanche Neige, Lucie, 1997, 4’
courtesy Roger Pailhas, Marseille