Forum fnac Victor Hugo, Grenoble.
free entrance

Douglas Gordon, Pierre Huyghe
2, 9 , 24 February 2005  
Douglas Gordon (born 1966 in Glasgow, where he lives and works) and Pierre Huyghe (born 1962 in Paris, where he lives and works) share the same interest in cinema. Both artists have, for example, paid homage to Hitchcock, Gordon in 24-Hour Psycho, Huyghe in his “remake” of RearWindow, Fenêtre sur cour. In Star Trek, Gordon recycles one of the rare kissing scenes from that series, which he reprocesses and then repeats, making the wholesome hero, Captain Kirk, positively uncanny. Huyghe’s Blanche Neige, Lucie features the actress Lucie Dolène, who gave her voice to the French version Walt Disney’s Snow White over fifty years ago. Now a very old lady, she talks about casting, dubbing, directing actors and other movie matters.

Douglas Gordon
Star Trek, Predictable Incident in Unfamiliar Surroundings, 1995, 23’
courtesy FRAC Lorraine

Pierre Huyghe
Blanche Neige, Lucie, 1997, 4’
courtesy Roger Pailhas, Marseille

Roberto Bagatti & Francesco Torreno & Marco Boggio-Sella
4, 8, 9, 10, 11 March 2005

These three artists worked together from 1994 to 1996, producing a number of pieces drawing copiously on some of the most indigent TV output of the day. Their 11 Tunisia Street (1995) is thus a caricature – but only just – of the kind of sitcoms in which Europe is awash, while another emblematic piece, the video Power Rangers, is a ferocious skit on the Japanese series of the same name.

Untitle (Power Rangers), 1995, 6’
courtesy Galerie Analix Forever, Geneva

Frank Scurti
1, 4-8, 11-14, 18-22, 25-29 April 2005
Born in 1965. Lives and works in Paris.
Franck Scurti uses social forms and the media (television, newspaper, street) to make us see afresh vocabularies and signs that have become part of the visual furniture. La Linea revisits the cartoon of the same name, created in 1969 by the Italian cartoonist Osvaldo Cavandoli for an advertisement for the Carosello brand. This cartoon features a man who lives on an endless horizontal line. When he comes up against a problem, he calls on the artist, who draws in the props and scenery required. La Linea is a new episode of this cartoon in which the figure moves through stock exchange charts and graphs.

La Linea (tractatus logico-economicus), 2001, 2’15
courtesy FRAC Poitou-Charentes

Eva Marisaldi
18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27, 31 May 2005
Born 1966 in Bologna, where she lives and works.
Her work draws on film, photography and drawing and also involves making objects. Her short animation film, Cuckoo, unrolls a palette of colours – pink, blue, white and black – that is disrupted by music that is both soothing and disturbing (chimes, percussion, etc.). This fairy tale presents the looped, almost hypnotic image of a coach.

Cuckoo, 2002, 12’
courtesy Galleria Massimo Minini, Brescia

Pipilotti Rist
8, 9, 15, 16, 22, 29 June 2005
Born in 1962 in Switzerland.
Pipilotti Rist uses video, film and performance to explore human experiences and question feminine identity. She also draws on popular culture, notably television, graphics and ambient sound settings. The producer, maker and often the protagonist of her own videos, her work juxtaposes everyday objects (furniture, clothes) and the colourful aesthetic of video clips. In this work, Rist sings her own version of Chris Isaak’s Wicked Game, accompanying this with computer-manipulated images.

I’m a Victim of This Song, 1995, 5’
courtesy FRAC Rhône-Alpes