Magasin CNAC is delighted to announce the group exhibition ‘Good Service, Good Performance’, bringing together works from the collection of the IAC - Institut d'art contemporain, Villeurbanne/Rhône-Alpes, an institution close to Magasin CNAC in both geographical terms and in terms of its history and missions.
Among these works, dating from 1988 to the present day, Pipilotti Rist's film (Entlastungen) Pipilottis Fehler (1988) gives the exhibition its title - Good service, good performance - a translation of the German text recited by the artist on screen. The collapse of the body in the face of system failure is a central theme of this work, and sets the tone for the rest of the exhibition. The works articulate this relationship with the duty to perform in our contemporary society, as well as the refusal of - female - bodies in the face of this injunction to (re)productivity, and question our relationship with the future. In this group of works, we also see the place of language, and its performativity, in a context conditioned by the surrounding and systemic violence.
With works by Mimosa Echard, Latifa Echakhch, Hans Haacke, Hiwa K, Stéphanie Nava, Pipilotti Rist, Carey Young, Gillian Wearing Wang Du, artists from Utopia Station, and a special invitation to Anne Le Troter.